BuyBack Discounts

Our customers want customized model papers and PowerPapers delivers. We have a zero-tolerance policy against plagiarism and we write every paper according to your instructions.

Our customers want complete ownership of their papers. That why PowerPapers will never sell or otherwise reuse part or whole of the work you buy.

Some customers don't care about these things after a class has ended.

PowerPapers' unique BuyBack option provides a perfect opportunity for you to save money on your projects. How? Together, we set a deadline and after it passes we buy back your paper. You're guaranteed that no one else will use the paper, either in whole or in part, until you say so!

No personal information will ever be shared. Your paper must be at least 3 pages to qualify for the discount, and fall under one of these assignment types:

Select one of the options above to take advantage of this discount!