A Blog about a Blog?

Although blogs have been around for awhile now, it's only recently that they have come into the  mainstream, so to speak, to the point that Mr. and Mrs. America use the word in casual conversation.At this point there are blogs about everything from politics to culture, thrift store clothing to pieces of string people find in the road... Well, perhaps that is exaggerating, but the point is clear. Anyone and everyone has a blog now, which is both amazingly energizing and quite confusing.

Blogs have also made their way into the classroom setting. Students are asked to contribute entries to established blogs, create their own blogs, or help start and cultivate the classroom blog over the course of the semester. Such assignments can be thought of as fluff, things students can whip off in no time, and when that happens, the quality suffers. The reality is that while there are definitely millions of blogs out there, there just aren't that many good blogs. It's like anything else: quantity doesn't indicate quality.

Good blogs will have a theme that runs through all of the postings without being too obvious. It will be lively and entertaining, inviting for new readers (meaning they won't have had to follow the blog from the very beginning in order to make sense of it), and consistent (meaning that the blog postings are input on at least a reasonably regular basis).

If you need help with a blog assignment of any kind (blog entry or other), don't assume this is a no-brainer kind of thing! Take your time, make sure you give this new form of writing its due, and write something people want to read. If you have any trouble at all, contact us at PowerPapers.com to see how we can help.



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