Academic Model Papers are Not About Cheating and Don't Believe Otherwise

OK, I thnk I beat Kate up this morning, and since there is no way I'm going to call her and ask if I can post another entry before she gets hers in, I'm just going to go for it. If you hear about a poor guy getting yelled at in public later today, you'll know it was me.

Today I want to talk about cheating. Cheating burns me up. That's why it really burns me up when people think that model paper services are cheating mills.To me, cheating is when the class goof looks at the exam paper of the kid who worked her ass off all night studying for her test and copies her answers. Cheating is when some delinquent breaks into the principal's office the night before the state tests and steals all the answer keys. You get my point. Cheating has nothing to do with using tools to achieve results; it's all about side-stepping the tools and grabbing the results whether or not you deserve them.

That is why academic paper services have nothing to do with cheating. Professional writers create academic model papers to the clear guidelines of their clients, and with full knowledge that their clients will be using those model papers to study, as a guide for their own work, and so forth. Cheating is all about deception and trickery, the lack of consent; the model paper business has everything to do with the desire to help students succeed; and just because (gasp) a student might need a bit more help than some others, we are supposed to call them cheaters?

Purchasing an academic paper is like purchasing a Cliffs Notes or a Spark Notes. It's like reading a Wikipedia entry. Sometimes you need to be guided, sent in the right direction, given a clue, so that you can make your own way. There ain't nothing wrong with that, and don't you let anyone tell you different.

Now, I guess speaking of cheating, I did kind of cheat a bit and post two entries in a row before Kate could have her say. So, I'll be signing off until two whole days from now because I don't want anyone to say Jon is a cheat.

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