Brain Games

Reinvigorate your brain after the holidays. Sudoku’s and crosswords are traditional favorites but for the contemporary brain game junky there is just so much more. Technology and social networking sites have conspired to offer so many online, app and social networking site games with a mind boggling selection of brain kick-starters. There is something for everyone!

For the budding political scientist Online Risk! Imperial Takeover and Risk Attack are two online games based on the board game of global domination. These games bring you opportunities for military build-up and deployment like never before. The cautious dictator, crazy leader types will love the fact that you can play this online in a multi-player community without having to download.

For the wordsmiths, Facebook, Apple and the entire internet have goodies for you. Apple have word game applications including HexaLex and WordWarp which are both fun word games you can play by yourself or with others. HexaLex looks freakishly hard and so does Nintendo’s, Brain Age. These will appeal to those of you who really like to feel your brain hurtin bad.

A great total brain workout website is who offer games with names like, Uber Brain and others, described as brain cross-trainers. This site offers the whole smorgasbord; games for improving memory, problem solving, concentration, visual spatial agility and language skills.  The only down side of the Fit Brains site is that you have to sign up which means the paranoid dictators might not want to play.

Although this is obviously a light hearted look at what’s available in the brain exercise world, brain work-outs seriously will improve concentration, your ability to study and maintain focus and as a consequence, presumably your grades too. So find one you like and use it as a pre-study warm-up or perhaps a mental stimulant between hours of research and study, it can’t hurt and it might help!

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