Distance Learning: Studying to Work

Distance Learning: Studying to Work

As the job market becomes increasingly more intense employees are looking to up skill and they are turning to distance learning to do it. It is an employer’s market as unemployment statistics remain high and that means employers have high expectations and a huge field of candidates from which to choose. Those looking for work that want or need an edge over the competition are turning en masse to distance learning. The same is true for employed people wanting advancement, promotion or even lateral moves to different fields or departments. So what are employers looking for and how can distance learning help?

Employers will say there is a disconnection between the skills that candidates have compared with what hiring managers are actually looking for in today’s market. DeVry University in Canada recently released their annual Job Preparedness Indicator, a survey designed to measure the disparity between candidate skills and employer expectations and they came out with some interesting results.  Surprisingly, a significant component of what employers are looking for are learned attributes gained through experience and solid character. While character is somewhat inherent to personality, distance learning comes in very handy for employees who require the sorts of management and team building skills employers are seeking.

According to the DeVry survey, the most in demand skills sought by employers are:

  • Strategic perspective,
  • High integrity,
  • Global outlook,
  • Strong base work ethic/dependable
  • and accountability.

Nearly 60% of job seekers surveyed are pursuing mid-level or managerial positions. However, hiring managers said that most of the candidates they see lack the managerial skills they need. This is where distance learning comes in, to teach the global outlook, strategic perspectives and business acumen that employers say they want at all levels of management. Because this information is readily available and employees are aware of what they need to gain employment or advancement, it is not surprising to note that the top degrees in demand directly co-relate to the most popular distance learning courses today:

  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Business Administration and Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Computer Engineering
  • Economics
  • Logistics/Materials Management

Interestingly, the NACE report also lists the top attributes that employers are looking to see demonstrated in candidate resumes. Here are the top five qualities for distance learners to consider when compiling a CV:

  • Ability to work in a team
  • Leadership
  • Communication skills (verbal and written)
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Strong work ethic

Added to these qualities employers surveyed said they were also looking for some very specific skills including:

  • Ability to work in a team structure
  • Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the organization
  • Ability to make decisions and solve problems
  • Ability to obtain and process information
  • Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work
  • Ability to analyze quantitative data
  • Technical knowledge related to the job
  • Proficiency with computer software program
  • Ability to create and/or edit written reports
  • Ability to sell or influence others

When considering which distance learning courses are best, keep in mind what skills are most in demand, and highlight how you have what employers are looking for and what you may still need. The flexibility of distance learning is great for most people as study can be taken to work in with and around work schedules, kids and family commitments - without compromising lifestyle or performance. In today’s competitive environment, distance learning gives an edge that most people cannot afford to forego.

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