First Generation University Students

For students who show potential and interest in University within families that have never had someone attend post-secondary school the demands of school are often quite different. These students will either have the support of their families and they will feel the pressure of being the first in their family upon which all the hopes and dreams of other family members is rested. Or they will come from the opposite end of the spectrum; they will be from families that think education is a waste of time and these students will face the challenge of doing something hard without the support of their families. For the latter, post-secondary education won’t be easy, they will probably only receive negative feedback at home and won’t be supported financially.

The former type of first timer will have an easier stint but will still face challenges. Sometimes first timers are from migrant families from labor intensive countries. Their parents will never have had the chance to attend college or university and they will see their son or daughter’s opportunity as a blessing not to be missed, even if the student doesn’t necessarily feel that way. For those who don’t wish to go on it will pay to be straight up about it from the start. Dragging through courses you have no interest in won’t do anyone any good and will simply prolong the inevitable. As painful as it will be for the family, it’s better to get it over with now.

Those who do want to go on with school and have maybe too much support from the family should probably consider the alternatives above and count themselves lucky! Try not to take too much pressure on board and understand where your parents are coming from. In the end you will be well educated, well paid and the hero of the family.

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