It's Time to Start Preparing for College!
Yes, I know. We aren't even out of July yet and I'm telling you to get ready for college. Why? Because it's time to prepare! This is especially true for you first-year college students out there. You need to get ready for what will be one of the most life-changing experiences of your life: COLLEGE. And you need to get ready mentally, emotionally, and physically.
First, mentally. Don't let your brain turn to mush all summer long. OK, have some fun, talk about the cute boy or girl you saw on the beach the other day, but for goodness' sake, read a book! Read a magazine that contains news or interesting articles about culture, art, or society. Have a discussion with your friends that's about -- yes, you guessed it -- something other than that really hot boy or girl you saw the other day. As soon as you walk through those lecture doors in September, professors will be throwing term papers, research projects, and essays at you. This way, you will be ready from day one.
Second, think about the emotional impact this is going to have upon you! This is really true for those first year college students who will be going away for school, which means that for most of them, it will be the first time they've been away from home for an extended period of time. You will be homesick (yes, you will, even those who are sure they won't be), and you will also might experience a mild version of culture shock, which can be incredibly uncomfortable.
While you're feeling these feelings, you will also have to do something else you might not have done yet: act like a grown-up. You will have to do your own laundry. You will have to manage your own money. You will have to pick up after yourself. So on and so forth. Yes, college is an easing-in to the adult world in many ways, but that means that you are on a learning curve. And that's hard. So, get ready for the roller-coaster of emotions that will come your way this September.
Finally, you need to get into good physical shape. When I was young, people talked about the Freshman 15. Now I'm sure it's more like the Freshman 40. Cafeteria food is brutal on the body. Get ready now. Work out, ride your bike, take walks, go for a daily swim, whatever. Start an exercise routine that can carry you into the school year. While you're at it, read a cookbook or two and learn what healthy food is all about, so that you can make the smartest choices possible. You won't regret it.
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