Less is More

Continuing on from the previous blog theme of improved writing, a word about wordiness. Writers of essays, theses, research papers, etc… often use too many unnecessary words which clutter the page and sometimes confuse the reader. It is always better to say more with less than it is to fill a page with vacuous content.

Mark TwainSubstitute “damn” every time you’re inclined to write “very;” your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

In addition to those sage words, we have a few rules of thumb to help you on your way:

Eliminate excessive wording by deleting the words, “there is,” “there are,” “there was,” and “there were” from your writing, for example; “There were many factors that affected this situation.” This sentence is better written as, “Many factors affected this situation.”  Also, avoid “it is/was” at the beginning of sentences. “It is a complicated situation.” This sentence better reads, “The situation is complicated.”

Other words many students believe add substance are “really,” “actually,” and “extremely.” They don’t add substance, just clutter. Delete these from your writing (along with Twain’s “very”) and you will not even notice they are missing from the content.

Establish whether you’re using unnecessary words by setting up Microsoft Word to highlight passive sentences, either as you type, or during spell check. Most passive sentences are created from superfluous words. In addition to avoiding excessive word usage, eschew nominalizations by using verbs instead of nouns or adjectives. For example, “She did not offer anyone a reason for her unexpected absence.” This sentence is better written: “She did not explain her absence.”

These are simple ways to tighten and improve your writing and make content more professional. Follow these easy rules of thumb and your academic writing will facilitate ideas more clearly. Once these practices become habit, your writing will naturally flow without excessive word clutter.

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