Model Papers

Hello everyone! I'm Kate – I think Jon mentioned me in his last post. I am so happy that this blog is getting underway. I know that some people think it's uncool or nerdy or whatever to enjoy this sort of thing (meaning, not just loving to read and write, but loving to talk about reading and writing), but you know what, I don't care. I've loved it ever since I was a girl, and always will.

So, let's get this show on the road. Jon gave a very brief overview of academic research and writing yesterday, and I want to talk about model papers. Why? Because this is what our business is all about, and we know full well there are lots of myths and misconceptions out there about model papers. We'd like to dispel some of them right now.


Myth One: Model Papers are Cheating 

Look – when you learn math, doesn't your teacher write endless problems and solutions on the board? When you learn how to do a science experiment, doesn't your teacher do a lab for you, showing you the results you're supposed to get? So, why is it so different for writing? Why, when it comes to writing, are teachers all mysterious about the process?

So, here's the reality: Model Papers are Teaching Examples

Myth Two: Model Papers are Plagiarism

Plagiarism is taking the ideas of scholars and presenting them as your own. A model paper – a GOOD one, that is – always cites every single source, always gives credit to scholars, and always follows proper citation styles so that no one has to guess where anything comes from. Bottom line: a good model paper will contain no cutting and pasting or plagiarism of any other kind. Just make sure you get a good one.

So, here's the reality: Top Quality Model Papers Contain No Plagiarism At All

Myth Three: Model Papers are Expensive 

How much did you spend on that beer bash last weekend? How about that new pair of jeans you wore to the frat party? Or the money you dropped in that restaurant trying to impress someone who's hard to impress? Fact is, you spend money all over the place in college, and not always on your education.

Now is the time to put at least some of your money to good use. Sure, if you want good quality, you'll have to pay for it. But those model papers will get you through school so you can get your degree and not have to worry so much about money once you land that great job.

So, here's the reality: Model Papers are Worth the Money

Thanks for dropping by today! Jon will be back soon with more of our favorite topics of conversation.

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