Orientation Week
It isn’t just a big piss-up! Today’s campuses are huge labyrinths to discover and navigate; the volume of information about resources, facilities and requirements is massive. So, make new friends and enjoy the social aspects of orientation week but, before the hard core study begins, don’t miss out on the truly important stuff (that is the end of my nag blog lol).
Campus tours give students the opportunity to check out lecture theatres, buy supplies and explore the entire campus which will probably have computer suites, libraries, eating and study spaces and a whole other range of facilities which are apart from the classroom, but likely to come in handy. In addition most campuses will offer a range of pastoral care and support services like careers and student councillors, financial controllers and the Ombudsman. Orientation week is a great opportunity to say hi to the folks offering these services and familiarize yourself with what they have to offer.
Aside from the logistical aspects of figuring out where everything is, orientation week will set you up with information about how to study, the administrative and academic structures of the school and recreational opportunities. It is a terrific chance to meet other students and staff within your faculty and do some fun stuff with them to break the ice. If you’re going to live on campus you also get a chance to check out where you’ll be living and with whom. Some campuses offer mentors or mentor groups to new students and you’ll get to meet these nice people too.
In a nutshell, unless you have a major crisis, don’t miss out on orientation week! It’s informative and fun and you will feel so much more confident on the first day of school.
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