Student Dating

Just when you thought the dating website niche was saturated, along comes a site that caters exclusively for college students and it seems to be working. Datemyschool is a dating website where you have to be a student to login. You have the usual menu preference options of man looking for woman/man/both, etc... Well maybe not that many options but you know, you get to say what you are after, gender wise.

Student dating websites

There are other student dating websites out there but this seems to be the first and as yet only student dating website that won’t allow access by anyone without a student email address. Some of the other sites are also downright seedy. In theory Datemyschool is designed to ensure only authentic students (no perverts or creeps) are on the site. That is probably too hard to police to be realistically foolproof but it does probably narrow down the number of creeps you’ll come across so it is a good thing. The other nice thing about the site is that it isn’t cheesy and it doesn’t promise eternal romance on a putridly pink and red background if you know what I mean? It treats its readership intelligently which is a wise move when you consider the target audience.

The site does this by using simple imagery, intelligent language, and by allowing those searching to find a mate based on smart criteria. For example you can search for someone at the same school or in the same degree program. It’s very cool in that everyone looking is a student. You know from the get-go that everybody online has a similar lifestyle and related interests and potentially (it’s even likely) a lot in common with you. You can even go so far as to search only students enrolled in the same major as you. The site is doing so well it’s in over 140 schools now and even CNN has weighed in with a review. They quote one user as saying about the site, "The guys place the same priority on education and the same passion for their careers as I do, we're also at similar places in our lives, being students, which makes it easier to relate."

Not just for dating

Sounds good! The idea of a dating website is also pretty cool for the increasing numbers who feel okay about finding other relationships online. Students who just want to meet people or make friends increasingly have that option as sites recognize that there are many people just looking for company. This is especially true for the student population who are often transient or studying far from home. Or, maybe they’re just in the wrong field of study for meeting people of the opposite sex. It’s okay to be a feminist and a realist at the same time and the fact is, there aren’t a lot of men in nursing and there aren’t too many women in engineering either.

Datemyschool has hopped online first but other sites are sure to follow on the heels of their success. To be competitive they will have to offer the same subscription exclusivity and maybe some regional advantages so that potential partners can be sure to hook up close to home. The idea of being able to choose who sees your profile will also be a bonus for those students who are still a bit shy about having parents and teachers see what they are up to. Oh, and did I mention it’s free!

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