How to Write an Argumentative Thesis
Let the facts do the arguing.
Let the facts do the arguing.
An argumentative essay is so called precisely because it expects the student to be argumentative. To present a point or points and to argue that they are true. An argumentative essay must present other sides of the argument as well but only to aid the argument being put forth by the student by refuting the opposing points. An argumentative essay can actually be a lot of fun to write. Especially if you are the type of person who loves debate and banter.
Unlike an argumentative essay the narrative essay expects you to tell your story in prose and it is typical to do this from a personal perspective. Anecdote, experience and personal opinion are all welcome in the narrative essay in contrast to term papers or pure research papers. Another significant difference is writing style or prose. In the narrative essay students are expected to write following a story outline. This means including the usual beginning, end and plot and it also involves character development and setting a scene.
Being persuasive isn’t about making your point and driving it through with overwhelming statistics and proclamations. A better approach to a persuasive essay, one that will be appreciated by the reader, is the presentation of all points of view, including your own. By making clear all of the arguments for and against a certain position, you will show that you have considered all of the possibilities before drawing a conclusion.
Historical, legal, expository, descriptive, narrative, argumentative: essays may be specifically any one of these or a may reflect a custom request from a professor or essays may represent a variety of research project or case study. Whichever you have been asked to produce there are some rules of thumb for writing essays which will help you produce interesting content regardless of the style required.
Creating a capstone project is a pivotal cornerstone of many degree programs. The ultimate endeavor and goal of the capstone is to reflect an understanding of the course of study in a practical application to the working world.