Tag: Homework

Summer Classes Are a Great Way to Catch Up or Get Ahead

Now that finals and exams are over, some of you are working on summer classes or summer school of one type or another, while others are working or looking for work, while a lucky few enjoy the time off and fill the days however they choose. Rest assured that PowerPapers.com is available to assist you all summer, whether you need a little extra time to work or relax.

Extreme Multitasking: It's Not What It's Cracked Up To Be

The joke of saying that studying is the act of texting, eating, and watching TV with an open textbook nearby, is also one of the answers to a problem that runs through our sociary: extreme multitasking. The answer, of course, is that we all need to stop doing two or more things at once. While you might already be claiming that it’s better that single-tasking, or that it works for you, I’m guessing that your blogging, surfing, and homework histories would reveal the opposite. It doesn’t make getting your homework done easier; it makes your time more enjoyable. Of course, that enjoyment only lasts until the homework backs up and you’re left with multiple all nighters, gallons of caffeine, and mountains of junk food make you miserable and sick.

I have so many different things to do and I don’t know where to start!

More advice for procrastinators: Just because you should arrange your work time so that you do the worst of your homework first doesn’t mean that you have to make yourself miserable. Work with your procrastinating habit by arranging to work for 20 minutes, then take an eight to ten minute break: stretch, get another class of water, dance around to a song, wipe down the counter, whatever works for you. You’ll be doing at least 40 minutes of work each hour, and you can engage that work with a refreshed mind. But remember, you have to work for those 20 minutes, and relax for the 8 to 10 in between!