Top 10 Tips for the Prom

The prom, a tradition that just keeps getting better and prom season is in full swing. For many this is the highlight of high school, the reward for making it through to the end of the year. Prom signals the end of the hard yards for another year and summer break just around the corner. In light of the importance of the prom to so many students, we offer our best advice for the prom; by gender, because lets face it, different things do matter for girls and guys. For the guys, we’ll focus on what to do and what not to do and for the girls, how to stay cool and look amazing.

Prom advice for the guys

  • Do dress up, your mates might be ok if you don’t but no girl will ever date you again
  • Do bring flowers. A corsage is a little out-dated and your date may feel a awkward wearing one, but a bouquet is classy
  • Do pick her up at home. Even if you are sharing a ride, her parents are going to want to see you at the door and they’ll probably want to take a few pictures as well
  • Don’t tell your dates parents you don’t want your picture taken. This is their little girl dressed in a ball gown we are talking about here.
  • Don’t ignore your date. If you’ve asked her to the ball, man-up and be proud of the fact. It might be a little embarrassing at first, especially if your friends are teasing you, but giving in to them at her expense will make you a very bad guy.
  • Finally for the guys, have fun. Dance, enjoy female company, and regale in your success and the success of your peers. You really only get one shot at the prom so be yourself and have a ball!

Prom advice for the Ladies

  • Do wait for the right guy to ask, or ask him yourself. Going to the ball with a guy you really like rocks
  • Do go all out. Even if the budget is a bit tight get together with your friends a few times and practice doing a great job of each others hair and make-up. Accessorizing even the simplest dress can make plain, plain perfect. This years trendiest dresses can be short or long and strapless is very hot
  • That said; don’t go over the top with make-up. Too much can turn terrific to tarty.
  • Don’t ignore your date. Whether you are with your prince charming or not, no guy deserves to be left standing on his own. You can be with your girlfriends too; we’re just saying pay attention to your partner as well
  • Don’t wear over the top heels. They might look great for the first five minutes but you may end up having to take them off before long, especially if you haven’t been practicing
  • Be prepared. Do trial run your hair and your make-up. Practice walking in your shoes for a few weeks before the prom and try on your dress again a couple of days before the ball just to make sure nothing has changed too much

For both genders above all else be clean. No matter what you are wearing or how far you are going to look good, cleanliness is next to godliness and do pay special attention to your hair and nails. It’s a basic fact but it is also the most important ball tip of all.

That’s actually thirteen tips for the prom! Feel free to knock off a couple then, you should still be alright. Enjoy yourself and have a wonderful time, you've worked hard and you deserve it.


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