Top 3 Ways to Save your Distance Learning Credits and Catch up in Online Classes

It’s near the end of the semester and many students are in the ultimate cram mode. Books out, desks lined with energy drinks, and a seemingly never-ending list of assignments to complete. Without the accountability of attending class, distance-learning courses can be particularly difficult to complete successfully. Many students find themselves in the precarious position between losing credits entirely or finishing with a dismal grade. It’s difficult to become motivated with those outcomes but there are other options.

What are some effective ways to save your credits and boost your grade in distance learning classes at this point in the term? Consider a few professor-endorsed strategies:

  1. Finish everything you can. Few students consider this trick because it may seem opposite to professors’ ongoing suggestions to communicate with them early and often. If you’ve already missed that window, you can still create a valuable bargaining tool in the quick completion of assignments that might still be open in your learning platform (Blackboard, Oncourse, or others). Respond to discussion board prompts and reply to peers-even if the discussions have been inactive for a few weeks. Turn in papers and complete any exams you can. You’ll need to use your list of completed tasks for the next step!

  2. Now’s the time to contact your instructor. In an extremely professional and courteous e-mail, explain the extenuating circumstances that kept you from completing the course on time. Plead your case for why this course and grade is important. Include a list of everything you’ve completed so far as a sign of your intention to finish well.

  3. Ask and you shall receive. Ask for which assignments you’d specifically like to be allowed to make up (among those that might not be available). Promise a quick turnaround and be ready to take exams right away. Also, don’t be afraid to directly ask for extra credit opportunities. It sometimes helps to suggest options yourself. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know if you could have added valuable points to your grade.

While these tactics have proven extremely successful for many students, the negotiation process differs by professor. Be aware of your options, like asking for an Incomplete, and remember that some points are almost always better than no points. Make a valiant effort to complete your distance learning courses as fully as possible. Very soon, a challenging semester will be behind you. The investment of earned credits and well-spent money will pay off for years to come.


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