Tweeting Business Courses

Despite early days critical review suggesting that Twitter was a fad that served no purpose and would soon fail, tweets continue to abound in greater numbers than ever before and Twitter is being used in everything from gossip to business courses. In fact, Twitter is now recognized as a valuable resource in business and in education.

How Twitter applies to Business Courses

The seamless sharing (retweeting) nature of Twitter has created in essence, the largest marketing exercise known to humanity. Researchers, academics and business course students are discovering the benefits of having a super brain, stream of consciousness around the globe – non-stop!

To facilitate the process Twitter offers tools that help track, analyze and sort information. Trendrr is a useful starting point to find users and groups that are active and utilized by many, specific to a subject topic or interest. This is particularly handy in business courses for students who wish to access expert advice in an open environment.

Perhaps more beneficial to the academic though, is ExpertTweet. This is a Twitter application developed by the people at Journalististics. It enables users to tweet requests for expert suggestions or services from the ExpertTweet community. In this way, students and other researchers are provided with a fast way to find professional business course advice on Twitter, free, without having to use a keyword search.

The core audience of ExpertTweet includes, but of course is not limited to:

  • Entrepreneurs and business course students requiring expert advice
  • Event organizers seeking speakers or panelists
  • Reporters or bloggers looking for quick source suggestions, comments on a
    topic, or other feedback
  • Authors looking for sources for a book
  • Consumers seeking sound advice on purchases

The obvious untapped potential of the site is for business students writing marketing plans or undertaking other aspects of market validation.  The site offers unique and current information on any subject. Business course students initially use these sites to source experts in particular fields but that is of course just the beginning, once connected with others in business courses the opportunities for collaboration are endless. ExpertTweet is simple to use, just login to the site with an existing Twitter account and submit a request by typing it into the text box. The post is then shared with those Twitter members following ExpertTweet.

Business course students and entrepreneurs

Many business course students are engaged in fledgling businesses even while they study- it is the nature of this student. In addition to the business course resources described above, there are many opportunities for marketing and collaboration for business course students through Twitter and other social networking sites.

Business course entrepreneurs may use Twitter to:

  • Direct attention to your product, idea or business course queries
  • Break news about your business faster than with any other source
  • Collaborate with other business course students or experts in your particular field or business.
  • Organize instant meetups (tweetups)
  • Take advantage of daily opportunities to learn new things, current and clever things that may not be part of a traditional business course
  • Give your critics a forum and learn from what they have to say
  • Seek opinion and validation from other business course students
  • Develop your online business prospects and use the wisdom of other to help develop your business or provide fresh perspectives to your business course study.
  • Use Twitter as a feature of customer service

There are of course other social networking forums for business course students and more are cropping up every day. Each poses a unique opportunity for the business course student and although it would be impossible to manage communications on all, it is definitely advantageous to be connected on some.

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