Zoological Studies Paper Topics

Zoology deals with the scientific study of animals in terms of behavior, classification, physiology, distribution, and structure. As a result, it can be considered a specific subset of biology. Animals appeared on the fossil record some 600 million years ago and over the next 70 million years, they expanded into a variety of different invertebrate (Saylor, 2015). Expanding 150 years later, the vertebrate and invertebrate species began to colonize the planet (Saylor, 2015). When dealing with species no longer living zoology crosses into subsets of paleontology and even archaeology. While there is a great deal that is conflicting or unknown about animal history, zoologists attempt to understand animals on a number of levels to provide a full understanding of the subject. Zoology has practical applications in ecology, wild life management, evolution, domestication of animals, animal physiology, animal behavior, human biology and veterinary work (Saylor, 2015).

Zoological Studies Paper Topics

The skilled staff members at PowerPapers.com are well versed in intricacies and application of zoological principles. Writers from PowerPapers.com have a strong record of completed zoological research paper topics from inception to final copies based on instructor specifications and student preferences. Zoological paper topics can easily be adapted into simple thread discussions on popular online course platforms or they can take the form of highly developed and complex graduate projects. All are within the realms of possibility for PowerPapers.com’s staff.

Interesting Zoological Paper Topics

For students selected zoological paper topics, the subject of inquiry could be a distant unfamiliar species or something in which they are very familiar like the common house cat. While these modes of inquiry would be more specific to pure zoological content, there are opportunities for cross-curricular modes of inquiry for those who major in subjects other than biology. For example, a history student may wish to examine the life span and habits of the American Buffalo and how these were affected by Manifest Destiny and Western expansions in the 1800’s. Literature majors could choose to examine factual versus fictional presentation of aquatic species in Moby Dick and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. A political science major could consider zoological findings and how they have influenced policy on protected or endangered species treatment. Though it may not appear so on a cursory glance, there are many opportunities beyond strict zoological inquiry for cross cultural examinations.

The versatility of the topic makes zoology at type of science in which most students can find something related to their interests or to their majors. PowerPapers.com can help students select a suitable topic or the list below can be used to generate ideas or complete original works based verbatim on the titles.


  1. Asian elephants and human speech patterns
  2. Oyster genomes and adaptation
  3. Darwin’s work in the Galapagos Islands
  4. Asian carp: Invasive species analysis
  5. Giant squids: Fact vs. fiction
  6. Coyote and wolf hybrid species in the United States
  7. Parasites and disease
  8. Migration patterns of killer bees
  9. The treatment of species in Melville’s Moby Dick
  10. Biodiversity and plankton
  11. The role of camels and the development of Africa and the Middle East
  12. Muskellunge and creek adaptive mechanisms to small water
  13. A history of zoology
  14. Man eating animals
  15. Home range of the Appalachian bobcat
  16. The Salton Sea: Salinization and Tilapia
  17. Ants and cooperative behavior among species
  18. Classical versus contemporary classification methods
  19. Animal communication and the origin of language
  20. White tail deer overpopulation: A Long Island, NY case study
  21. Birds of Southwestern Pennsylvania
  22. The Gulf Oil spill: Zoological implications on species development in the region
  23. Global warming and baby lizards
  24. Long tongue bat of Bolivia
  25. The impact on Biblical interpretations of dominion over animals and human historical             relationships with other living things
  26. Trout fish hatcheries
  27. Understanding fossil records
  28. The return of the North American wolf
  29. Predators and prey
  30. Brain size and species intelligence
  31. The evolution of vision in animal species
  32. How the animal world would look if humans never existed
  33. Speech in African Gray Parrots
  34. The vegan movement and perceptions on animal life in a contemporary world
  35. Fish and game commission: Conservation and science
  36. An overview of the mesozoic era
  37. Canine domestication
  38. The American Buffalo: The impact of Western historical expansion
  39. Political policy and endangered/protective species designation
  40. Migratory patterns of Golden eagles


Click for more great research paper topics listed by discipline.


Saylor University. (2015). Zoology. Legacy/Saylor. Retrieved from.

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