Academic Writing Blog

Colleges and Universities: Scholarship Scams

Colleges and universities scholarship scams prey on students who are young, vulnerable, and perhaps not as familiar with what to look out for when investigating funding options. These swindles are created for two reasons, to obtain money or to obtain personal details. The basic rules of life apply; you should never pay money up front in order to obtain money down the track and you should never give out personal details.

Essay Papers

Chances are if you are in college or university you are focusing on either sciences or humanities based courses. Either way you will be faced with having to write essay papers, and lots of them, for the next few years. English essay papers are quite different in tone and style from science essay papers and so it helps to know the best qualities of each.

The Comparison Essay

Sounds easy right! Write a comparison essay by comparing two or more things, simple. Not so simple. There is more to the comparison essay than just showing how and why this is different from that. The writer must explain the differences thoroughly and prove his or her argument with hard data and references.

US Colleges and Universities: Saving & Finance

One of the greatest incentives to come out of the Obama, US colleges and university education push is the promotion of the tuition reimbursement program that compensates employers for putting employees through a college education while continuing to work. As far as benefits go in a rapidly changing world and amongst an aging population, one would be hard pressed to find a greater employment benefit.

A Research Paper

A research paper is any paper, written for any subject, which requires the writer to review previous writings and to draw conclusions. Every field of study is likely to require a number of research papers throughout the course of study. A research paper does not just teach research skills, it will hone interview, sourcing, investigative and writing skills that will stand students in good stead throughout their lives and careers.

Free Essays

On the other hand, there are reputable companies, like, that will let you know what you are really getting right up front. They offer templates, samples and editing of an excellent standard but even they, do not offer free essays. That isn’t to say there aren’t any free essays available online. It is possible to find these; I should clarify this point. It is just that they will not be original or tailor written and often they will not be of very good quality. These are all usual requirements of teachers and professors at all levels of education so these ‘free essays’ won’t do you much good.

Top 5 Essay Topics in Science

Choosing an essay topic is never easy and for the scientific brain amenable to numbers and symbols, getting creative with essay topics may prove to be double the challenge squared. Sometimes, it does help to look at what others are writing to get some ideas so here are the top 5 essay topics in science.

Scholarship Essays

Scholarship essays are an excellent opportunity to prove to a College or University that you have what it takes to make it in academia. Some Colleges specify formatting requirements; follow their instructions to the letter. If they do not provide style criteria, then APA standard formatting will look professional and like you are ready for College. To begin with, create one or two generic essays on an interesting topic.

LA Colleges and Universities

LA colleges and universities are some of the best in the world. They offer prestigious international reputation and standards of excellence in every course of study. Choosing the best LA colleges and universities can be challenging in light of the significant offerings available to both national and international students. For example, an MBA from Stanford carries its weight in gold but is Stanford the best option for LA colleges and universities offering sciences? Navigating the options can be difficult and so it helps to know which schools have the best reputations for which courses. These are out picks. That said there are two standout LA colleges and universities worth talking about.


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