Academic Writing Blog

Proofreading: Wout it Your Puck’d!

Seriously, proofreading is a no brainer. Often correct spelling, grammar and syntax will be worth around 10% of a grade and sometimes as much as 20%. That’s easy credit and the reverse is apparent. If you don’t proofread, or have someone else proofread, your work then you risk the downgrade of what might otherwise be an outstanding paper. On the other hand if written content is not your strength the question is; can you afford to skip proofreading?

MBA Courses

Masters of Administration or MBA courses can lead to virtually anywhere; they are post-graduate degrees which can be applied to corporate environments or to other companies or fields with a business component. If you think about it that means an MBA course will open the doors to any and every industry because every company and organization has a business component. That said the graduate of an MBA course is likely to thrive within a corporate structure where his or her aptitude for numbers and management can come to the fore.


By breaking down an academic manuscript into chunks the work, those long intensive hours of writing, becomes manageable. Begin writing your academic manuscript by creating an overview for each category and then start filling in the detail, first at a high level and then gradually tunnelling deeper until you have a well considered and supported manuscript worthy of publication.

Citing Primary Sources

A difficult thing to understand at tertiary level is the difference between secondary and primary sources of information and how these should be cited both in-text and in the reference or works cited list. In order to understand and distinguish primary sources from secondary sources it helps to understand what constitutes a secondary source. A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources.

Writing the Narrative Essay

Unlike an argumentative essay the narrative essay expects you to tell your story in prose and it is typical to do this from a personal perspective. Anecdote, experience and personal opinion are all welcome in the narrative essay in contrast to term papers or pure research papers. Another significant difference is writing style or prose. In the narrative essay students are expected to write following a story outline. This means including the usual beginning, end and plot and it also involves character development and setting a scene.

Nursing Courses

Nursing courses are general or specialized and they cover a range of possible specializations. Regardless of whether nursing courses are tailored for critical care, public health or infection control they all share one thing in common, their aim is to train men and women in the care of individuals and their families and by extension the community. As such nursing is rarely, if ever, taught in a distance situation, and hands on during a nursing course means hands on.

Transcribe your Dissertation?

Your dissertation is potentially the most difficult paper you will ever write. The most trying aspect of writing a dissertation is without a doubt the sheer volume of note taking, transcribing and source referencing that accumulates over the course of researching. Transcribing notes has been an okay (some would say less than okay) option in the past for those who find speaking easier than writing. Or for people like me, who can’t read what’s been written when I go back! Transcribing notes for a dissertation has just become a whole lot easier.

Business Management Courses

Business management courses, perhaps more than any other, attract a hugely diverse range of interest. Like other courses, business management courses receive the usual batch of graduates who want to make a career in the field of business but this subject also attracts many people seeking to up skill and remain viable in the increasingly competitive business world.

English Courses and the Alternatives

Increasing numbers of students are travelling abroad for study and so find themselves in the situation where in addition to acclimatizing themselves to a new country and taking on a full course load, they also have to consider whether to take English courses. For some there is just no way around it, without an English course there is no way they will be able to articulate well enough to pass.

Choosing Argumentative Essay Topics

Forget the old adage about not discussing politics or religion, these make for some of the best argumentative essay topics going. Argumentative essay topics should be controversial to make them compelling. An argumentative essay topic should not be dull; it should have at least two very gripping sides to the story.