Community Service Report
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Assignment Type | Term Paper |
Subject | N/A |
Academic Level | Undergraduate |
Citation Style | MLA |
Length | 3 pages |
Word Count | 900 |
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ID #:
Phone Number:
Name of Agency:
Agency Address:
Supervisor at Agency:
Year at Agency:
Semester at Agency:
CSP1001 Supervisor:
Date of Paper
Agency Experience
Activities at Agency
The activities at the agency were divided over a seven week period. Activities involved children in classes 1, 2, and 3 and are detailed below.
Week 1, Class 1
In Week 1, I met with Class 1. During this time period, I participated in three main activities. The first task was to help the children form letters with their Play-Doh. The second activity was to serve children their lunch. After lunch, I wrote homework for the children. The children seemed to enjoy the experience of making letters with the Play-Doh.
Week 2, Class 1
In Week 2, I again met with Class 1. During this time period, I supervised three main activities. I assisted the children to color the clothing that a girl and boy would wear. We cut letters out of cartridge paper. Finally, I read a story to the children.
Week 3, Class 2
In Week 3, I was assigned to Class 2. There were two main activities. The first activity was to assist the children in making a face out of Play-Doh. The second activity helped children to identify a face that is different from the other happy face that we made. (3)
Week 4, Class 2
In Week 4, I was once again assigned to Class 2. This week, there were five major activities. The first was to assist the children in drawing a tree in their scrap book, using a green crayon. The second activity addressed personal hygiene. I illustrated to the children how to care for their bodies by using toothpaste to brush their teeth, and using soap on a washcloth. In the third activity, I supervised the children while they were playing. In the fourth activity, we planted trees at the school. The final activity was to help the children make teeth out of cartridge paper, to be used in an illustration of the mouth.
Week 5, Class 3
The Week 5 class assignment was to work with Class 3. In Class 3, the children learned to write their letters properly and I assisted with this project. My other assignment was to monitor the students’ behavior.
Week 6, Class 3
The Week 6 class assignment, working with Class 3, had four main parts. The children said their ABCs with direction. They counted to 1-100 with assistance. They repeated the months of the year, and discussed what the people of Europe wear when they dress up.
Week 7, Class 1
The Week 7 class assignment, with Class 1, had only one activity, but it was a complex one. During my final week with Class one, the children baked a cake with my assistance. This proved to be a very exciting class. We were able to work in quite a few mini-lessons while we made the cake. It was easy for the students to understand basic fractions as we measured the ingredients of the cake. We discussed why the cake got “puffy” in the oven and why there were bubbles in the batter. We talked about what would happen if some of the ingredients got left out by accident. We also discussed that a cake could be baked using water instead of milk, and applesauce instead of butter. The children really enjoyed the lessons, and they learned a lot.
Benefits to Agency and Community
Working with the children provided the agency, and thus the community, with additional levels of classroom supervision for the children. I was also able to provide the children with a level of understanding that they may not have acquired without being exposed to my life experiences. Everyone who volunteers with children brings something new and unique to the situation, and I believe that my sense of humor and my life experiences were able to help the children understand that all people are different, but they are all worthy of respect and understanding.
It can be difficult for agencies to meet their funding boundaries and still serve the children’s needs. Utilizing community service workers is one way to meet this need.
My Learning Experience at the Agency
It is entirely possible that I learned as much at the St. Mary Elementary School Basic School as the children did! Working with the children gave me the chance to observe their behaviors without seeming to be observing them. This was a benefit to my learning because when children know they are being watched, they sometimes react differently. I was able to observe the children in their “natural habitat” and to learn the various ways that they can respond to stimulus. It was truly a learning experience. I discovered that some of the children would eat Play-Doh if they were left alone with it. This is not something that I would normally have expected. However, now that I know that it occurs, I also know to take steps in the future to keep it from happening.
Suggested Improvements to CSP1001
It would be of benefit to have a certain time during the day that there was always going to be time to ask questions. It can be a real help to know that no matter how stressful the day is, at a particular time there will be time to ask questions and very briefly review what went on. Although there was a time every day for this review, the time varied daily. It would have benefited me to now when the “down time” was going to be and I highly recommend this “take a deep breath” break for future community service participants.
Illustration credits:
ID #:
Phone Number:
Name of Agency:
Agency Address:
Supervisor at Agency:
Year at Agency:
Semester at Agency:
CSP1001 Supervisor:
Date of Paper
Agency Experience
Activities at Agency
The activities at the agency were divided over a seven week period. Activities involved children in classes 1, 2, and 3 and are detailed below.
Week 1, Class 1
In Week 1, I met with Class 1. During this time period, I participated in three main activities. The first task was to help the children form letters with their Play-Doh. The second activity was to serve children their lunch. After lunch, I wrote homework for the children. The children seemed to enjoy the experience of making letters with the Play-Doh.
Week 2, Class 1
In Week 2, I again met with Class 1. During this time period, I supervised three main activities. I assisted the children to color the clothing that a girl and boy would wear. We cut letters out of cartridge paper. Finally, I read a story to the children.
Week 3, Class 2
In Week 3, I was assigned to Class 2. There were two main activities. The first activity was to assist the children in making a face out of Play-Doh. The second activity helped children to identify a face that is different from the other happy face that we made. (3)
Week 4, Class 2
In Week 4, I was once again assigned to Class 2. This week, there were five major activities. The first was to assist the children in drawing a tree in their scrap book, using a green crayon. The second activity addressed personal hygiene. I illustrated to the children how to care for their bodies by using toothpaste to brush their teeth, and using soap on a washcloth. In the third activity, I supervised the children while they were playing. In the fourth activity, we planted trees at the school. The final activity was to help the children make teeth out of cartridge paper, to be used in an illustration of the mouth.
Week 5, Class 3
The Week 5 class assignment was to work with Class 3. In Class 3, the children learned to write their letters properly and I assisted with this project. My other assignment was to monitor the students’ behavior.
Week 6, Class 3
The Week 6 class assignment, working with Class 3, had four main parts. The children said their ABCs with direction. They counted to 1-100 with assistance. They repeated the months of the year, and discussed what the people of Europe wear when they dress up.
Week 7, Class 1
The Week 7 class assignment, with Class 1, had only one activity, but it was a complex one. During my final week with Class one, the children baked a cake with my assistance. This proved to be a very exciting class. We were able to work in quite a few mini-lessons while we made the cake. It was easy for the students to understand basic fractions as we measured the ingredients of the cake. We discussed why the cake got “puffy” in the oven and why there were bubbles in the batter. We talked about what would happen if some of the ingredients got left out by accident. We also discussed that a cake could be baked using water instead of milk, and applesauce instead of butter. The children really enjoyed the lessons, and they learned a lot.
Benefits to Agency and Community
Working with the children provided the agency, and thus the community, with additional levels of classroom supervision for the children. I was also able to provide the children with a level of understanding that they may not have acquired without being exposed to my life experiences. Everyone who volunteers with children brings something new and unique to the situation, and I believe that my sense of humor and my life experiences were able to help the children understand that all people are different, but they are all worthy of respect and understanding.
It can be difficult for agencies to meet their funding boundaries and still serve the children’s needs. Utilizing community service workers is one way to meet this need.
My Learning Experience at the Agency
It is entirely possible that I learned as much at the St. Mary Elementary School Basic School as the children did! Working with the children gave me the chance to observe their behaviors without seeming to be observing them. This was a benefit to my learning because when children know they are being watched, they sometimes react differently. I was able to observe the children in their “natural habitat” and to learn the various ways that they can respond to stimulus. It was truly a learning experience. I discovered that some of the children would eat Play-Doh if they were left alone with it. This is not something that I would normally have expected. However, now that I know that it occurs, I also know to take steps in the future to keep it from happening.
Suggested Improvements to CSP1001
It would be of benefit to have a certain time during the day that there was always going to be time to ask questions. It can be a real help to know that no matter how stressful the day is, at a particular time there will be time to ask questions and very briefly review what went on. Although there was a time every day for this review, the time varied daily. It would have benefited me to now when the “down time” was going to be and I highly recommend this “take a deep breath” break for future community service participants.
Illustration credits: