Fitting in Fitness

As hard as it may be, early morning, before the hectic day begins and well before you are too tired or lazy, is the best time to get exercise out of the way. There is some debate about whether it is the optimal time in terms of health or weight loss but there is no doubt that it is better to get it out of the way before your day begins.

Why bother?

As a student there are a lot of reasons to bother. Exercise releases endorphins and endorphin release sets you up to be receptive, retentive and responsive. It also makes you happy. So bother because you will go through the day feeling better about the world and significantly better able to learn and retain new information.

How does it work?

Study after study, on adults, children and animals all show that exercise improves brain function. The most recent studies undertaken with obese children showed that body resistance improves with exercise right along with brain improvements which went beyond conceptualization, absorption and retention and extended to actual improved results in areas such as math. As stated this isn’t new knowledge, just more studies that further substantiate what we already know and that is that;

  • There is a physical connection between the brain and body muscles called the neuromuscular junction. Chemical exchanges at this junction are the key to your ability to move.
  • The junction is a happening place where neurons connect with skeletal muscles and acetylcholine (the brains chemical neurotransmitter for memory and attention) communicate with muscles.
  • Dopamine also hangs out at the junction where it helps to regulate fine motor movement.

The role of these neurotransmitters (acetylcholine and dopamine) and muscles, highlights the actual physical relationship between body and mind, muscle and memory. But wait there is more!

A doctor from the University of Washington says that while exercise can improve your brain, lack of exercise can make you dumber. Well, he doesn’t say that exactly but it’s what he means.  This doctor says that muscle fiber has scaffolding made from proteins which hold acetylcholine receptors in place. The loss of nerve signals from inactivity causes the scaffolding to disassemble and thereby lose acetylcholine receptors. Sounds tragic and it is, but don’t stress too much because when you reactivate the muscles the scaffolding rebuilds and then catches passing receptors to recreate a healthy scenario.

Will any Fitness do?

Pretty much!


Walking is even good for your brain; it increases blood circulation and the amount of oxygen and glucose that reach your brain. Any movement and exercise increases breathing and heart rate generating more blood flow to the brain. This enhances energy level and causes cerebral blood vessels to grow. People who walk 20 minutes a day also experience improved learning ability, concentration and better abstract reasoning.


Running does all of the above and then some more. Dying brain cells were even rescued in runners’ brains where cognitive deterioration was occurring. More importantly for those of us who are studying and trying to learn and understand what we are feeding our brains in terms of knowledge, running has been shown to boost the effects experienced in the hippocampus. That region of the brain linked to learning and memory!

Mental Health

The penultimate brilliant side  effect of exercise is improved mental health. Researchers at Duke (amid a plethora of similar studies) have shown that an aerobic exercise program can decrease depression and improve cognitive abilities even in people suffering clinical depression.

And the ultimate perk of daily exercise is of course a hotter body and increased stamina.


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