I can’t talk in class

This is a time when it’s really, REALLY important to find ways to socialize with the department. You can do so by attending department meetings or group events, professors will see you and realize you’re interested. You should be sure to go to the office hours of your professors and explain that you are simply too shy to speak in class. Think of it as part of your homework. Don’t tell them that you can’t help it, instead assure them that you are working on it and are looking for an opportunity to engage. In some cases, you may even want to ask them to not call on you, if it’s something that makes your discomfort or anxiety worse.

The truth is, you will run into professors who are not very thoughtful or reasonable in their responses. However, if you say nothing, all of your professors will assume that you do not care. By introducing yourself, you will meet professors who can support your learning and mentor you throughout your education. You will be able to begin practicing speaking in their classes, where you know you have their support, and eventually move on to speaking and engaging in other classes. Group projects might be your personal nightmare, but for most of us, working with others is inevitable.

It is invaluable to your work as a student, your homework, paper writing, research, and professional development all depend on your ability to make professional connections and engage with the subject matter. You can get better by being yourself; you don’t need to turn into someone else. If you only speak once a term, then it’s time to make the goal, speak once in every class. Get in the habit of doing things at least one small measure better than you usually do them and you will find yourself growing academically and professionally from there.

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