Tag: Group Projects

I can’t talk in class

It is invaluable to your work as a student, your homework, paper writing, research, and professional development all depend on your ability to make professional connections and engage with the subject matter. You can get better by being yourself; you don’t need to turn into someone else. If you only speak once a term, then it’s time to make the goal, speak once in every class. Get in the habit of doing things at least one small measure better than you usually do them and you will find yourself growing academically and professionally from there.

Bento Databases for Students!

The Bento 3 Student Survival Kit release was announced late last month. For students that is really awesome news. Released by FileMaker the kit is designed to track classes, projects, notes and more!

Making Every Minute Count

For those students who not only have jobs or careers, families, social obligations, and other responsibilities, 25+ hours a week is simply too much, on top of all of the other new and exciting learning opportunities the college experience affords. What can one do?