Managing anxiety during finals week.

This post is very much about doing. We understand that sometimes feelings are overwhelming, even to the point of needing supportive medical care. We can’t address that. Whatever your situation, we understand that you can only do what you can do. The ethos here is that ‘every little bit helps’. Grab with both hands at every opportunity to feel just a little calmer and do just a little more during finals week.

Now for the practical:

  • Eat as well as possible during finals week. This is non-negotiable. If you think it’s negotiable, that is part of the faulty thinking that is keeping you overwhelmed. Gather food that you can eat raw; in addition to candy, remember fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other marginally nutritional item you like.
  • Make a list. Write down everything you need to do. Write down how long each item will take. Number them in priority order, and start work on number 1 and set the clock for 25 minutes.
  • Every 25 minutes, get away from the computer/whatever, drink a little water, eat a little snack, and do some deep breathing, a bit of yoga, or a little wiggling, for 5 to 10 minutes. If you think that you don’t have time for a 5-minute break, that too is part of the crazy thinking taking over and getting you further behind.
  • Go to sleep when it’s time to go to sleep. Really. If you are always moaning about being tired and overwhelmed, try sleep. An extra hour each night and you’ll be working a lot faster all day. How often have you found yourself taking forever to do things because you are exhausted? Hint: sleep.

If you look at your list and the amount of time you have and you can’t fit everything in, start outsourcing. Plan to order delivery during finals week, don’t wait until you are hungry and cross-eyed. If you have to choose between studying for a test and writing a paper, consider asking for an extension or hiring a professional writer to handle the paper. You can also hire a professional writer to create an outline or notes, for an exam.

Want to order a paper or other study materials for finals? Place your order here.

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