Top Ten Tips When Applying for Student Jobs

Top Ten Tips When Applying for Student Jobs

Finding a job during the recession is not easy. A lot of adults that would never have considered traditionally student-type positions in the past will now. So any edge students have has become more important. Here are some suggestions.

  1. Create a CV or Resume that highlights all your best attributes. You may not have the edge on experience but student and community success will often carry equal weight.
  2. Sell yourself; academic excellence, language proficiency and volunteer work or clubs should be listed. Don’t make the mistake of selling yourself short because you don’t think the employer will care – they do.
  3. Take advantage of your technological edge. Students are generally more computer savvy than adults are when it comes to technology. Use those skills to make a sexy resume, submit online applications and use online job searches.
  4. Smile. Whether you apply online, in person or over the phone, your smile will be felt.
  5. Follow up online or telephone inquiries/applications with a personal visit. Most employers will be charmed by a young and friendly person who is willing to work.
  6. Dress for success. Cleanliness and tidy clothes (no rips, no dirt, and no jeans) is a recipe for success in both work and pleasure.
  7. Look people in the eye. People who cannot look you in the eye are often perceived as shifty or dishonest. Not what an employer will be looking for, especially if you are aiming to work in customer service.
  8. Be open to flexible terms. If you are asked to work a trial period or to begin at a student rate take the opportunity to prove yourself.
  9. Be punctual. It goes without saying that you arrive to an interview on time (early is better) and turning up at work before you are meant to start is a good look.
  10. Be confident. Confidence is engaging and a pleasure to have around. Don’t take rejection personally- it probably isn’t personal.

Good Luck!

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