Letters Of Intent

Graduate programs often request a letter of intent, which is a few professional steps beyond the admissions essay. The difference between them is essentially as follows. Admissions essays are usually written as appeals to the college or colleges of your choice, while a letter of intent is a professional statement of your plan, or intentions, for your professional education and career.

Letter of Intent Writing

Proper letter of intent writing is concise. It reveals your significant, relevant professional accomplishments, it reveals your career plans, and it links your chosen university program to those plans. You need to show that you understand what that school’s program is all about, and you need to show how you and the school fit together.

Good letter of intent writing includes what you will bring to the school and your cohort, as well as what the school can do for you. It is important not to brag or be arrogant but to be confident and sincere. This can be especially difficult during the stressful process of applying to graduate schools.

Making a Decision: Purchase Letter of Intent or Use Online Samples?

The internet is full of reputable sites operated by elite colleges that provide samples and instructions for writing a letter of intent. Most graduate schools use very specific questions and there is little doubt about what to write. That isn’t always enough when you are stressed and the stakes are high.

In order to decide whether you should use samples and other resources in order to develop a workable letter of intent or purchase letter of intent, consider a few things:

  • Are you confident that you currently understand what a letter of intent is?
  • What is your stress level?
  • Do you have enough time before deadline to work comfortably?

If stress is high and time is short, it may be a good idea to find a letter of intent to purchase, even if you know what one is and how to write it. This method will help you relax and you know that your skills are strong enough to use the model we provide to create something perfect, quickly.

If you have considered those elements and are confident you can write your own letter of intent, be sure to review samples from reputable colleges and universities.

Get Writing Help

We offer letters of intent starting at $50.00 / page. Your will get a completely custom-written paper tailored to your instructions, with zero chance of plagiarism.

Letter of Intent Articles

Application station, part 2.

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