Tag: Essay

Admissions Essays: Your Ticket to College

Gaining entrance to college is a very complicated undertaking. Too often, though, applicants do not appreciate the intricacies of the task, leaving many things until the last minute. The admissions essay is one of those things.

More on Journal Entries and Reflections

Finally, you can use your journals as a sort of treasure trove from which you can pick out ideas for research papers and term papers, even essays. You'll be amazed what you've written down over the course of the semester when you flip back through the pages in search of topics for papers. So, you can choose one (or four) and write as many papers as you need, and this way, you know your topics are ones you like.

Why Outlines are your Best Friends

While it can be boring, and yes, definitely tedious at times, the reality is that making an effective outline is your best use of time because of how much time it will save you in the long run.

We're Having a Heat Wave

While there are still pools to swim in and outdoor parties to attend, prepare for school another way also. Make a list of probable challenges you will face in your different classes. By making a list, you can alleviate some of the anxiety you are surely already feeling about these things and more completely enjoy the rest of the summer.

It's Not Just About Term Papers

Referring to what we do as "writing term papers" would be like referring to nurses as "the ones who bring the bedpans" when we all know they do so much more than that.

It's Time to Start Preparing for College!

We aren't even out of July yet and I'm telling you to get ready for college. Why? Because it's time to prepare! This is especially true for you first-year college students out there. You need to get ready for what will be one of the most life-changing experiences of your life: COLLEGE.