These are simple ways to tighten and improve your writing and make content more professional. Follow these easy rules of thumb and your academic writing will facilitate ideas more clearly. Once these practices become habit, your writing will naturally flow without excessive word clutter.
Many students know their stuff, they can apply what they have learnt in their classes, they understand the concepts and they have extended their studies to become experts in their field. These same hard working people, when it comes time to sit down and write, go blank.
Chinese New Year is just around the corner (February 3) and it brings with it some useful advice for everyone, even those who are not Chinese or a rabbit.
While there is no getting around insufferable political speeches from local dignitaries at a graduation ceremony, student speeches are different. They are from the heart and read with passion by people for whom the ceremony is deeply moving. Today graduation speeches are recorded and posted online for posterity and for all time.
Well it seems that at the forefront of student news and issues in this New Year are student competitions - with something for everyone. Poster competitions, architectural design, leadership, research and science competitions, engineering and even the student Oscars! If you aren’t interested in this kind of competition not to worry, competitions for student grants and scholarships are just around the corner and it’s never too soon to start preparing for those.
Research is one professional field that is bucking the trend in terms of job opportunity and none more so than in the specialized field of environmental research. The economic downturn that has affected so many other professional fields has not managed to curb research opportunities.
Time magazine has named Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, 2010 Person of the Year. Anyone who has seen the movie Social Network which is based upon the Zuckerberg/Facebook story knows that this is an extraordinary validation.
With the New Year just around the corner folks are beginning to consider changes they might like to make in their lives for 2011. While the usual quit smoking and drink less resolutions are still a high priority for those who continue to imbibe, the student psyche is a little bit different and so are change priorities.
For some students travelling home for the holidays is simply not an option. These students may choose to stay on campus (if it remains open) or with people they know instead of going home, for any number of reasons. These people won’t be with family over the holidays and that is not easy. If you find yourself in this situation we have some suggestions for how to make the holidays merry away from home.
The clock is ticking and it is only a week until family and friends will get together and you’re stuck for what to get the starving student who needs everything. People love trying different things and young people especially enjoy new experiences they usually can’t afford.