Now that the Ivy League colleges like Harvard are offering full online student services as well as online learning courses in areas such as biological science, English, anthropology, math and management, amidst an impressive range of others, online degrees have gained real credibility. While in the past some employers might have been ambivalent about a degree obtained online, with schools like Harvard raising the bar that stigma has all but disappeared. Students working at both graduate and post graduate levels are now able to opt for the online learning alternative.
PowerPoint presentations are a powerful tool for making a case or stating a thesis. Used well they have visual and auditory impact that an oral or written presentation just can’t emulate. Used poorly and they can be a disaster. By all means use PowerPoint presentations as much as you can but plan carefully and consider your audience throughout the process.
One hundred billion dollars has been allocated to student grants and student loans through the current government. FAFSA is the “Federal Application for Student Allowance” and you will hear a lot about it if you are looking for student loan. Just about every student loan requires a FAFSA, even private institutions and some grant applications will ask for this form so it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the requirements of FAFSA.
The bad news is they are all ridiculously hard to get into but the good news is that if you make it into top ranking Williams your fees might be lower than if you’d made it into one of the other nine top schools. Not a lot lower, but some less is better than none.
Postdoctoral research isn’t just about gaining tenure although that is what many will claim in attempting to explain the growing tendency toward this path. The complexity of scientific discovery and the involvement of complex science in increasing areas of life, study, research and development and industry dictate that those who seek to be expert in their fields must undertake postdoctoral research.
Other services which may be offered by your student union could include, tutoring references, a complaints procedure, school policy information, harassment support, a referral service and/or representation and support. It’s there for you, definitely use it if you need to because the people working in the student union environment aren’t just trained to provide a helpful service, they are trained to listen and understand. Whether you need an advocate or advice, it’s a terrific resource.
You’ve opted for the adventure that is overseas study, the flights are booked, and you know where you’ll live and where and what you will study. Packing up your bags and making your farewells at this end is a no-brainer but are you ready for what life will be like in your new country? Use these suggestions to prepare yourself for the cultural differences and any potential language requirements you will experience overseas.
Just when you thought the dating website niche was saturated, along comes a site that caters exclusively for college students and it seems to be working. Datemyschool is a dating website where you have to be a student to login. You have the usual menu preference options of man looking for woman/man/both, etc... Well maybe not that many options but you know, you get to say what you are after, gender wise.
A few years ago a post graduate degree was optional for those wanting to specialize or perhaps pursue a particular research project. It was great if you could do it but if you couldn’t afford it, or if you simply weren’t keen to carry on with education, it wasn’t too important. You could still be pretty sure of meeting your career aspirations. Today’s economy isn’t quite so rosy.
Many students are enjoying a break from study but there is no reason not to combine a little leisure with improved future prospects. Food that is good for your brain will make you smarter, or at least maximize whatever brain potential you have. So while you have a little time off why not take up cooking and learn to whip up some great brain food recipes. Here are the best recipes for delicious and easy brain food a la holiday fun.